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Alabama Slammer *

Bloody Mary: *

Bloody Mary *

Blue Hawaiian *

B-52 *

B-52 *

Black Russian *

Blue Hawaiian *

Cream Kiss *

Cream Scotch *

Daiquiri: *

Daiquiri - Strawberry *

Golden Dream *

Green Betty *

Gin Fizz *

Gibson *

Harvey Wallbanger *

Love Cocktail *

Long Island Iced Tea *

Limelight by Night *

Mata Hari *

Mai-Tai *

Melon Ball *

Manhattan: *

Manhattan *

Manhattan *

Margarita: *

Margarita *

Ninja Turtle *

Orgasm *

Ole Fritzens yellow sock *

Pineapple Cocktail *

Pink Lady *

Pina Colada *

Pina Colada *

Sex On The Beach *

Slow Comfortable Screw Against The Wall *

Screwdriver *

Sex On Beach Shooter *

Singapore Sling *

Strawberry Daiquiri *

Screwdriver: *

Spritzer: *

Sfinx *

Tequila Sunrise *

Tom Collins: *

Tom Collins *

The Royal Slipper *

Whisky Sour: *

Zombie *

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Alabama Slammer

1/2 oz. Whiskey

1/2 oz. Sloe Gin

1/2 oz. Triple Sec

1/2 oz. Galliano

2-3 oz. Orange juice

Mix ingredients.

> Strain over ice into highball glass.

Garnish with a cherry and orange slice.

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Bloody Mary:

5 cl vodka, 10 cl tomatsaft, saften af en kvart citron, 1-2 tsk worcestershiresauce, 1-2 dråber tabasco-sauce, lidt salt og peber, en citronskive.

Vodka, tomatsaft, citronsaft og de to saucer blandes sammen med nogle isterninger. Drikken tilsmages med salt og peber og dekoreres med citronskiven. Man kan glimrende lave en Bloody Mary med snaps i stedet for vodka.

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Bloody Mary

1 1/2 oz. Vodka

3 oz. Tomato Juice

1 dash Lemon Juice

1 dash Worcestershire Sauce

2 drops Tabasco Sauce

Salt and Pepper

Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into old-fashioned glass over ice cubes.

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Blue Hawaiian

1 oz. Light Rum

2 oz. Pineapple Juice

1 oz. Blue Curacao

1 oz. Cream of Coconut

Blend all with 3 oz. crushed ice until smooth.

Pour into large wineglass or goblet.

Garnish with cherry and orange slice.

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1 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream

1 oz. Kahlua

1 oz. Grand Marnier

Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into old fashioned glass filled with ice.

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2 cl Bols Cream

2 cl Cointreau

2 cl Kahlua

Kahlua hældes i bunden af et shotglas.

Bols Cream "lægges" ovenpå i et lag over bagsiden af en ske.

På toppen "lægges" Cointreau.

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Black Russian

Ingredienser3 cl Vodka

3 cl KahluaVodka og Kahlua rystes godt sammen i en shaker med mange isterninger. Serveres i et cocktailglas.

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Cream Kiss

3 cl Bols Cream

3 cl Cointreau

Server i cocktailglas.

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Cream Scotch

1 mål Bols Cream

1 mål Scotch Whiskey

1 stænk Cointreau

Rør rundt og servér over is.

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5 cl lys rom, saften af en halv lime (eventuelt citron), 1 tsk flormelis.

De tre bestanddele rystes energisk med knust is og hældes gennem en si i et cocktailglas eller et champagneglas.

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Daiquiri - Strawberry

1 oz. Light Rum

1/2 oz Strawberry Schnapps

Juice of 1/2 Lime

1 tsp. Sugar

1 oz. fresh or frozen Strawberries

Mix with shaved ice in electric blender until desired consistency.

Pour unstrained into cocktail glass.

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Galliano Hot Shot

2 cl Galliano



Golden Dream

2 cl. Galliano

1,5 cl. Cointreau

1,5 cl. Orange juice

1 cl. Piskefløde

Rystes med knust is og serveres i et cocktailglas.

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Green Betty

Shake and pour

3cl. Tequila,

2cl. Creme de Bananes Bols,

2cl. Creme de Menthe Bols,

12cl. Pineapple Juice

and 4 Ice Cubes

Serve in a Highball glass.

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Gin Fizz

1 1/2 oz. Gin

1 tsp. Sugar

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

Club Soda

Shake well with cracked ice all but club soda.

Strain into highball glass over 2 ice cubes.

Fill with chilled club soda.

Stir gently.

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1 1/2 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. Dry Vermouth

> Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into cocktail glass.

Decorate with a twist of lemon peel and 1-3 pearl onions.

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Harvey Wallbanger

Ingredienser3 cl Vodka

1 1/2 cl Galliano

10 cl AppelsinjuiceAppelsinjuice og Vodka hældes i et højt glas med isterninger. Rør rundt. Hæld forsigtigt likøren oveni.

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Love Cocktail

2 oz. Sloe Gin

1 Egg White

1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice

1/2 tsp. Raspberry Juice

Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into cocktail glass.

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Long Island Iced Tea

1/2 oz. Vodka

1/2 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. Rum

1/2 oz. Tequila

1/2 oz. Triple Sec

Denne drink blev en af de ti vindere i en konkurrence som Better Brands A/S afholdt i 1990. De skriver følgende om drinken: "Vi synes, at drinken har en meget frisk og god smag, samt en god og ikke gennemtrængende smag af Cassis."

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Limelight by Night

Ingredienser2 cl Gin

2 cl Creme de Cassis

2 cl Limelight

ApollinarisGin, creme de cassis og Limelight hældes i et halvhøjt glas med isterninger. Rør rundt og fyld op med apollinaris. (Limelight kan evt. erstattes med Rose's Limejuice.)

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Mata Hari

1 cl Pisang Ambon

2 cl Cointreau

2 cl gin

1 cl citronsaft

Server i cocktailglas.

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2 oz. Light Rum

1 oz. Triple Sec

1 tbsp. Orgeat Syrup

1/2 tsp. Powdered Sugar

1 tbsp. Grenadine

1 tbsp. Lime Juice

Shake well with ice.

Strain into an old-fashioned glass 1/3 filled with ice.

Garnish with cherry and pineapple wedge.

Serve with a straw.

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Melon Ball

1 oz. Vodka

1/2 oz. Melon Liqueur

1/2 oz. Orange Juice

Mix and drink.

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5 cl (amerikansk) whisky, 2 cl sød vermouth, 1 maraschino kirsebær.

Bland whiskyen med den søde vermouth og isterninger. Isterningerne kan blive i glasset: "on the rocks", eller fjernes: "straight up". Sødligheden får prikken over i'et, når drikken pyntes med et maraschino kirsebær.

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Ingredienser4 cl Whisky

2 cl Sød vermouth (Rosso)

AppelsinskiveWhisky og vermouth røres godt sammen i en kande med isterninger. Hæld drinken op i et cocktailglas og læg en appelsinskive i.

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1 1/2 oz. Whiskey

3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth

1 dash Bitters

Stir with cracked ice.

Strain into cocktail glass.

Serve with a cherry.

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5 cl tequila, 2 1/2 cl limesaft - her dur citronsaft ikke rigtig, 1 cl cointreau eller lignende likør.

De tre bestanddele rystes godt med knust is og hældes gennem en si i et bredt cocktailglas, hvis fugtede kant har været dyppet i salt. Denne blanding er en anelse sur og dejlig frisk. En lille forøgelse i mængden af cointreau gør den straks mindre sur - og mindre frisk.

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1 oz. Triple Sec

1 oz. Tequila

1 oz. Lime or Lemon Juice

Shake well with cracked ice.

Rub rim of cocktail glass with rind of lime or lemon.

Dip rim in salt.

Strain into cocktail glass.

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Ninja Turtle

1 1/2 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. Blue Curacao

Orange Juice

Fill highball glass with ice and add ingredients.

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1/2 oz. White Creme de Cacao

1/2 oz. Amaretto

1/2 oz. Triple Sec

1/2 oz. Vodka

1 oz. Cream

Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into old fashioned glass.

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Ole Fritzens yellow sock

1 oz. Vodka

1 oz. Pisang Ambon

Fill with orange juice

Serve in a highball or old fasion glass

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Pineapple Cocktail

1 1/2 oz. Light Rum

3/4 oz. Pineapple Juice

1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice

Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into cocktail glass.

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Pink Lady

1 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. Apple Brandy

1 Egg White

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

2 tsps. Grenadine

Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into cocktail glass.

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Pina Colada

Ingredienser6 cl Hvid eller lys rom

10 cl Ananasjuice

2 tsk Kokosmælk/-creme

2 stænk Angostura BitterAlle ingredienser rystes sammen i en shaker med isterninger. Server drinken i et meget stort glas og pynt med frisk frugt og bær.

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Pina Colada

Mix and Stain

2cl. Light Bacardi Rum,

2cl. Malibu,

1cl.Coconut Cream

and 12cl. Pineapple Juice

Serve in Highball glass.

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Sex On The Beach

Shake and pour

2cl.Midori Melon Liqueur,

1cl. Vodka,

1cl. Creme de Framboise,

2cl.Pineaple Juice

and 2cl. Cranberry Juice

Serve in a Highball glass.

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Slow Comfortable Screw Against The Wall

Shake and pour

2cl. Sloe Gin,

2cl. Southern Comfort,

2cl. Galliano,

3cl. Orange Juice

Put in a Highball glass

Top with Amaretto.

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2 oz. Vodka

Orange Juice

Pour Vodka over 2 ice cubes in collins glass.

Fill with chilled orange juice.

Stir well.

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Sex On Beach Shooter

1/2 oz. Vodka

1/4oz. Melon Liqueur

1/4 oz. Raspberry Liqueur

1/2 oz. Pineapple Juice

1/2 oz. Cranberry Juice

Shake well with cracked ice.

Strain into old fashioned glass.

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Singapore Sling

2 oz. Gin

1/2 oz. Cherry Brandy

1 tsp. Powdered Sugar

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

Carbonated Water Shake lemon, sugar and Gin with ice

and strain into collins glass over ice.

Fill with carbonated water.

Float Cherry Brandy on top.

Garnish with fruits and serve with a straw.

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Strawberry Daiquiri

1 oz. Light Rum

1/2 oz Strawberry Schnapps

Juice of 1/2 Lime

1 tsp. Sugar

1 oz. fresh or frozen Strawberries

Mix with shaved ice in electric blender until desired consistency.

Pour unstrained into cocktail glass.

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Friskpresset appelsinsaft med vodka. Det går også godt med snaps.

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Lige dele kold, tør hvidvin og dansk vand.

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Shake and pour

2cl. Vodka Currant,

3cl. Parfait Amour Bols

and Frothée

Serve in a cocktail glass.

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Tequila Sunrise

1 1/2 oz. Tequila

2 dashes Lime Juice

1/2 oz. Grenadine

Orange Juice

Fill highball glass with ice.

Add Tequila, lime juice and orange juice.

Stir. Add grenadine (do not stir).

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Tom Collins:

5 cl gin, saften af en citron, 1 spsk flormelis, dansk vand.

Bland de tre første ingredienser i et højt glas, anbring 3-4 isterninger i drikken og fyld på med dansk vand.

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Tom Collins

2 oz. Gin

1 oz. Lemon Juice

1 tsp. Sugar

Club Soda

Shake well with cracked ice all but club soda.

Strain over 3 ice cubes into collins glass.

Fill with club soda and stir gently.

Decorate with 1/2 slice of orange.

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The Royal Slipper

2 cl Bols Cream

2 cl Cointreau

2 cl Vodka

Rystes med is. Servér på isterninger.

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Whisky Sour:

5 cl (amerikansk) whisky, 1 1/2 cl citronsaft, 2 tsk flormelis.

Ryst ingredienserne sammen med isterninger og hæld drikken gennem en si i et cocktail- eller champagneglas.

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1 oz. Light Rum

1/2 oz. Creme de Noyaux

1/2 oz. Triple Sec

1 1/2 oz. Sour Mix

1 1/2 oz. Orange Juice

1/2 oz. 151-proof Rum

Strain ingredients into collins glass filled with ice.

Top with 151-proof Rum.

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